The Water of Life

Monthly Men's Gathering

Brotherhood | Support | Community | Guidance

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"The time is ripe for men who want to be torch carriers in our new world order to emerge, to band together and to do the work of transforming the planet by transcending our own life story. Our life's story is merely a chronology of what has happened to us on the road already traveled. Who we are in Spirit so much more!"

-James Herbert, Founder of The Water of Life Men's Community

The Water of Life Men’s Community is an online monthly gathering that welcomes all who identify as male to join together in sharing our individual hero's journey as we continue to learn and grow.


As our world continues to shift I believe it is our responsibility as men to create the space for healing. We all need to be seen, heard and held. When we listen to each other with the sole intent to offer loving support, we help each other know that we are not alone in carrying our burdens. 


Old paradigm mindsets continue to crumble. Vulnerability and compassion are now openly accepted as strengths instead of weaknesses. Come to our circle and unveil your inner strength. 


The Water of Life Men's Community gathers online once a month on the average. I also host a number of online meetings for the MenLiving community and host an in person meeting in Chicago's Lincoln Square neighborhood once per month. Send me an inquiry below for more info about upcoming dates and times. 

"Jim’s ability to direct group discussion and ensure safe/supportive environments for personal growth and constructive feedback are uncanny. Jim has purposeful intentions and he puts a tremendous amount of forethought and preparation into the experience and knowledge he shares with the group. Jim’s guidance ensures a wide range of responses from the many diverse backgrounds of people in the group which provides inspiration and the opportunity for massive personal growth for everyone involved.”


-Craig L, National Account Manager, Chicago, IL

Our Story:

In February of 2015, I took my first bold leap into working specifically with men by launching the New Moon Men’s group. I had no experience in moderating men's group discussions. I had a few years of one on one coaching experience, yet I still had a whole bunch of limiting beliefs and a ton of fear. I asked a few friends to help me get it all started and before I knew it we had held dozens of meetings. Over the next eight years our men’s group had monthly online gatherings and our community grew to over 100 men who either came religiously or occasionally to our group sessions. After a one year sabbatical from men’s circles in 2022, I decided to build something new from the ground up. I chose the name Water of Life for two primary reasons. The first reason is in tribute to author, storyteller and mythologist Michael Meade. 

I learned about Meade’s teachings from one of my great master teachers, Yogi Gabriel Halpern. Gabriel would share stories from Meade’s “Men and the Water of Life” collection during our yoga classes in the mid 1900s and the whole experience created foundational shifts on my views about masculinity. The second reason I chose the name was to accentuate my belief that as men we are able to live in the most full expression of ourself when we have a balance between our masculine and feminine energy. Earth and Water are the elements that are associated with the Divine Feminine and our ability to live lives that are both grounded and fluid give us the opportunity know ourself at the deepest levels. By embracing to duality of our nature we gain the freedom to live life to the fullest.

In this group we will open our hearts and minds to redefining what it means to be men and embrace all our aspects of self and all of our parts.


Contact me for more details or to join a circle.

"I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Jim since 2016 and I have regularly  participated in his monthly men's groups.  Jim is a wonderful leader and he fills many roles within our community. He is our organizer, facilitator, interviewer, spiritual guide and mentor. I am very selective about how I spend my time and energy. Without question, Jim’s program is a 10 out of 10 and I keep coming back to it again and again. In fact in the 5+ years I’ve been part of Jim’s group, I have only missed 2 of the monthly calls.


-Chris S, Senior Underwriting Counsel, Downers Grove, IL

My next Chicagoland in person circle for MenLiving will be on Thursday May 30th from 5:30 - 7:00 PM Central. You can register for the event at the MenLiving Calendar right here. Please reach out if you have any  questions, desire more information or are curious but unsure. Our space is a great place for men who are first timers as well as men who have participated in other men's community gatherings. All who identify as male are welcome.

I am also hosting Virtual Online MenLiving open gatherings on Zoom on Wednesday June 6th at 12:00 noon central and Monday June 10th at 9:00 PM central. Reach out for more information about these upcoming June meetings.